about me

you could call this an artist statement

So you want to know more about me.

You can call me k or kirsten (pronounced curse-ten)

Grandma says she always knew I was going to be an artist. Ever since I drew a picture of some pills when I was three (you should hear her talk about my drawing, it’s much more riveting). Anyhow my path to art kind of goes: 

Throughout my time in college I made art about my experiences with the thought that some younger version of myself would see it. I always asked myself what would teenage me love to see?

After a few years in school, and plenty of debt, I realized that no matter how awesome my one-offs were no version of myself would ever see them. One-offs are found in small garage galleries, fancy museums, government buildings, etc. All places I hated visiting growing up (honestly I still don't care for them as an adult). 

What I did love (and still do) was the internet, books, movies, video games and comics. Multiples are where it's at so that’s where I’m headed. Not only do I love all those things but they have the ability to be shared freely. Whenever I publish a book, write/direct a movie, create a video game, etc I want to see it in libraries and on torrent sites. Shared with the public for free. 

Artists do need to live so I believe those who have the means and desire to purchase an artists book, game, movie, etc. should. But those who can't have just as much right to access the work. 

Going to go on a short tangent here:

Access means so many things. First off, tickets to most art museums are outrageously expensive. And while some museums and galleries have free days once a month they mean nothing if people can't take time off work or they don't have a car, can't afford public transportation, don't have access to public transportation, or if they live in different town, state or even country. 

At the end of the day I believe most galleries and museums are made by rich people for rich people. I'm all about art that can be shared freely and viewed anywhere at anytime without the art suffering. So books, movies, video games, comics all that sweet sweet "low-brow" art is where it's at.


“Information Wants To Be Free. Information also wants to be expensive. ...That tension will not go away.” 

-Stewart Brand

The same can be said for art.